Tai Chi & Health Qigong Debut at Citi Field, NY美國太極健身氣功首現紐約Mets棒球場

Thank you all, Tai Chi and Health Qigong fans, for a wonderful show at Citi Field with your feet firmly planted on the Mets green. Enjoy the magnificent performance below:


Great Grades Obtained at the 5th Int’l Health Qigong Tournament & Exchange我中心參加第五屆國際健身氣功交流比賽大會成績喜人

From August 18 through 24, the International Health Qigong Federation (IHQF) organized the First International Health Qigong Forum and the 5th International Health Qigong Tournament and Exchange in New York University and New Jersey. As the biggest event of its kind at the highest professional level, the series of events attracted the participation of over 400 Health Qigong fans and practitioners from 28 countries as well great attention the public media, including Singtao Daily, World Journal, China Press, XihuaNet, China Daily, China Sports Daily and Kung Fu Tai Chi magazine.
American Tai Chi & Health Qigong (ATCHQ) fielded more than 200 members who participated in the press conference, Science Forum, Health Qigong Citizen Field Day at Washington Square, Health Qigong Judges Workshop, 5th International Health Qigong Tournament, Health Qigong Training Camp, and Duan Examination. The Center had the largest representation at this important event covering the largest number of competitive events, including a team composed of teenagers. This truly reflects the intrinsic value of popular participation focusing on exchanges, wellness and joy. ATCHQ also assisted in the planning, organization, reception and interpretation. Master Sitan Chen, Deputy Director of the IHQF Technical Commission, was appointed Vice Chairman of the Judge Panel for the Tournament. ATCHQ Vice President Lynn X. Lin was appointed judge of the Tournament.
American Tai Chi & Health Qigong dispatched to the two-day competitive tournament four teams which brought back many medals, as listed below: :

ATCHQ Team 1(Waltraud Greemough, Cathy Anastasio, Candy Chung, Olga Lukyanenko, Ying Lin, Frank Wu, Feng Chen)– Yi Jin Jing 2nd Prize
ATCHQ Team 2(Ada Kong, Jieming Dong, Yihui Yao, Sunchoi Tsang)– Yi Jin Jing 2nd Prize
ATCHQ Team 2(Vincent Kam, Jieming Dong, Yihui Yao, Sunchoi Tsang)– Ba Duan Jin 2nd Prize
ATCHQ Team 1(Waltraud Greemough, Cathy Anastasio, Candy Chung, Frank Wu, Feng Chen)– Ba Duan Jin 3rd Prize
ATCHQ Team 4(Vincent Kam, Cynthis Kam, Zhong Q Zhou, Kamling Jim) — Wu Qin Xi 2nd Prize
ATCHQ Team 3(consisting of teenagers: Emily Chen, Trinity Liang, Faith Liang, Jade Long, Stephen Chen, Scott Freshman, Jason Lan, Michael Lan)– Wu Qin Xi 2nd Prize
Yi Jin Jing: Men: Feng Chen, 2nd Prize; Women: Yihui Yao & Candy Chung, 3rd Prize.
Wu Qin Xi: Women: Jieming Dong, 2nd Prize.
Liu Zi Jue: Women: Waltraud Greemough, 3rd Prize.
Ba Duan Jin: Men: Feng Chen & Sunchui Tsang, 3rd Prize; Women: Jieming Dong, Cathy Anastasio & Yihui Yao, 3rd Prize.

由國際健身氣功聯合會主辦的首屆國際健身氣功科學論壇(International Health Qigong Forum) 暨第五屆國際健身氣功交流比賽大會(The 5th International Health Qigong Tournament and Exchange)於8月18日至24日在美國紐約大学和新澤西州隆重舉行。這是國際健身氣功协会成立以来首次舉辦的規模最大、規格最高、最具專業水準的盛事,來自28個國家的400多位氣功愛好者和選手參與了此次活动。星島日報、世界日報、僑報、人民日報、中國體育報、新華網、中新網、光明網、大公網、東方網、China Daily、美國《太極氣功》雜誌等眾多媒體對此次系列活動作了專門報導。
美國太極健身氣功中心四隊(金榮基、范楚翹、周重安、詹金鈴) 獲五禽戲團體二等獎
易筋經 陳峰 獲男子二等獎,姚怡暉、鐘詠雯分獲女子三等獎五禽戲 董傑明 獲女子二等獎
五禽戲 董傑明 獲女子二等獎
六字訣 沃特麗 獲女子三等獎
八段錦 陳峰、曾順才分獲男子三等獎,董傑明、安凱西、姚怡暉分獲女子三等獎