FORCAST: Advanced Health Qigong Workshop by Prof. Wang Zhen活動預告:王震教授健身氣功講習班

Date & Time: Sunday, June 7th, 2015, 9:30 am-3:30pm
Venue: 227 Michael Drive, Syosset, NY 11791
Administration Fee: $100 (lunch included)
Registration Deadline: May 30th, 2015

Prof. Wang Zhen
Holding a doctorate degree in education, Prof. Wang Zhen is a veteran Health Qigong designer and choreographer, and a chief instructor of many international workshops for Health Qigong coaches. Prof. Wang heads the Traditional Life Preservation faculty of the Shanghai Institute of Physical Education (SIPE) and concurrently serves as a mentor of Master’s degree candidates. For years, he has been specialized in the teaching of life preservation through traditional sports. He is also the Chief Instructor of Qigong, Traditional Health Theory and Practice of Traditional Life Preservation Sports, and Martial Arts Rehabilitation at SIPE. Since 2000, he has traveled extensively on popular lecturing tours and exchange visits to America, France, Japan, Germany, Canada, Australia, Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong on Wushu and traditional health preservation culture.

Click here to register

时间:2015 年6 月7 日 星期日 上午9:30-下午3:30
地址:227 Michael Drive, Syosset, NY11791
收费:$100 (含午餐)
截至报名时间:2015 年5 月30 日

王震教授简介:健身气功资深创编人、国际健身气功教练员培训班主讲教师、教育学博士。执教于上海体育学院,现任上海体育学院传统养生教学团队负责人兼传统体育养生方向硕士生导师。近年来一直从事传统体育养生教学工作,担任上海体育学院《气功》、《传统体育养生理论与功法》、《武功整复》等课程的主讲教师。2000 年起先后多次赴日本、澳大利亚、法国、德国、加拿大、美国等国家和地区进行武术与传统养生文化的交流,深受广大学员欢迎。
