[Notice] Prof. Wang Xiaojun Advanced Workshop: Using Qigong to Maintain Health

Prof. Wang Xiaojun, PhD Professor of Beijing Sports University, Master’s Degree Candidates Mentor, Martial Arts Director of the Department of Beijing Sports University, Executive Director of Chinese Folk Medicine Association, and Professor of National Wushu Association of Medical Research.
Professor Wang Xiaojun specializes in Chinese Medicine Sports Studies for Health Preservation. He innovated and established the guidelines for the concept of prescribing exercise as part of the treatment for Chinese medicine. His field of expertise includes theories of health preservations in Chinese Medicine, Chinese Medicinal massage techniques that include traumatic and guided massage therapies, and health benefits of Tai Chi. He also has a Master’s Degree in Acupuncture

王晓军博士:北京体育大学教授,硕士研究生导师,原北京体育大学武术教研室主任,现任中国民间中医药协会理事,全国武术医疗研究会会长。 王博士继承“武医一家”的优良传统,师从中医运动学(武术医疗)创始人李永昌教授,主要研究领域为中华武术与中医学的交叉学科—武术医疗,并在中医养生、导引按摩、伤科推拿、太极医学等方面积累了丰富的理论知识和实践经验。曾于北京中医药大学攻读针灸推拿硕士专业。并在国内外首次提出并界定了中医运动处方概念、原理、原则、内容与分类等内容,填补了中医学在该领域的空白。 主编北京体育大学精品教材《伤科推拿学教程》、《中医运动处方理论及其治疗个案研究》和《易筋壮骨功》等著作3本,主持国家部委级课题6项,于国家级核心刊物发表论文20余篇,担任北京市精品课程《武术(太极拳)》主讲教师